
First: We need to collect photos of our graduating 5th grade class. This would include any of the following: class pictures, dances, school activities/events, friend group shots, etc., from in/out of school. Pictures that are from kindergarten up would be great. Again, the best way to send in photos is using the free RePlayIt App.

To do this:

Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play

  1. Search for Allendale Elementary School

  2. Create an account or connect with Facebook

  3. Take a photo or upload a saved photo(s)

  4. Tag photos by event, person, activity

  5. Upload photos

You can also email pictures to if you cannot use the app.

We have limited resources to take picture; anything you can provide will help to make the yearbook great!

Second: In order to offset the costs of the yearbook, we offer pages where dedications, call-outs or congratulations boxes can be displayed for a cost. Please refer to the paragraph below for a cost breakdown and more details.

If you know of any businesses that would like to purchase an advertisement in the yearbook, please feel free to forward the form to them or provide an address to and I will mail the request accordingly.

Cost breakdown:

  • Text only dedications: $5, with a 100-character limit. This should be short and sweet!

    Example: CONGRATULATIONS ETHAN!!! Dream big and work hard toward your goals…with love and best wishes always, Uncle Nyan & Aunt Alyssa.

  • Shout-out to friend/group: $5

  • Congratulations Box with Decorative Border: $25

    Example: Click Here

Dedications – Shout-Outs – Congratulations Boxes

If you would like to make a dedication/congratulations box, or if your child would like to do a shout-out, please send me an email or write it on a piece of paper. You can send this in with your child to place in my mailbox. Payment is due upon submission. Please make checks payable to Allendale PTO. Please be sure to provide your contact information so we may contact you if there are any problems.